McGuinty's De-MOCK-cracy

Author: Scott Hennig 2006/06/04

Politics is a game of give and take. Unfortunately, Dalton McGuinty is taking that phrase much too literally. While the Ontario Premier giveth the fine citizens of Ontario fixed election dates and a citizens' assembly on voting reform, he taketh away their right to elect municipal representatives every three years.

Actually, it is quite ironic. While random Ontarians are being selected to serve on a provincial Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform with the goal of improving democracy in Ontario, their provincial government was busy taking a piece of local democracy away.

Hidden in a budgetary bill, "Schedule H" amended the Municipal Elections Act to increase the terms of municipal politicians from three years to four. A great move if you are a municipal politician, a terrible one if you are a voter.

The amendment is a politicians dream created by, not surprisingly, other politicians. The government claims this move is about "respecting our municipalities." However it shows a total lack of respect for voters. Little to no public consultation was undertaken, and local voters had no opportunity to approve or turf this proposal in a referendum.

The premier pointed out that this move was requested by the "Association of Municipalities of Ontario." Big surprise there. An association of municipal politicians selected by other municipal politicians supporting a move that only benefits municipal politicians by guaranteeing them an extra year of pay, benefits and unquestioned power - Shocking!

Some Liberal MPP's suggested this move creates more "efficiency." Efficiency for whom? Unquestionably it is more efficient for municipal politicians to spend less of their precious time asking the citizens they serve for their continued support. But is it really more efficient for voters? Are voters complaining that they have too much democracy right now? When's the last time anyone heard an Ontario voter say, "Jeez, do I really have to go and vote for Mayor again But I just voted three years ago and I'm still tired from exercising my democratic right last time."

Ultimately this amendment will mean voters lose out by making their local politicians less accountable. It means less democracy at a time when Ontarians and Canadians are begging for more. And it means that politicians who may have lost the support of their citizens will hold the reins of power for even longer.

The only way this move to increase the term of office should ever have been approved was if it was (a) done in conjunction with giving citizens the right to recall their elected officials, or (b) approved in a referendum.

Mr. McGuinty has proven to be a weathervane when it comes to democratic principles, promises and commitments. First, he promises a referendum before taxes can be increased. Scratch that. Then he initiates a commendable citizens' assembly process followed by arbitrarily increasing the term of municipal politicians. Talk about twisting in the wind.

It is time to bring Ontario's government into the 21st century. Let's hope the citizens' assembly comes forward with recommendations to enhance democracy. Otherwise, the premier might unilaterally decide to make himself King McGuinty. If this happens, do not be surprised if municipal politicians are the first to declare themselves his loyal subjects.

Scott Hennig and Adam Taylor, Canadian Taxpayers Federation

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